About this project

ColorScale v2.3.0

Matt McAdams · Open Source · Donate

This tool was born from the need to generate color scales based on a key color. There are multiple tools similar to this one but none of them fit my exact needs. Namely, this app is heavily inspired by hihayk's color scale tool and Color x Color. This project would not have been possible without them.

Data Management

I believe that data should be owned by the user, so I don't plan to add something like accounts to store data on a server. This app makes use of Browser Local Storage. This is simi persistant data storage in the browser. Your data will not persist across browsers or devices, and can be accidentally deleted by clearing certain browser data. I am however looking into RemoteStorage.


This app collects no data in itself, but I do use Plausible Analytics to gauge interest in this project.


This site is made with NextJS. Color manipulation is handled by Color, and the easing functions are imported from js-easing-functions.